TBYR https://tbyr.com/ Tampa Bay Young Republicans Mon, 21 Oct 2024 15:12:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://tbyr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/TBYR-Logo-Elephant-Only-1-80x80.png TBYR https://tbyr.com/ 32 32 TBYR Goes to El Salvador https://tbyr.com/elsalvador/ Wed, 28 Aug 2024 18:40:15 +0000 https://tbyr.com/?p=2812 […]

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TBYR will partner with the Patriots Network of international right wing youth organizations to attend the American Launch in El Salvador.

TBYR Members will need to purchase a ticket through this website HERE. We suggest getting a Silver ticket minimum to partake in the gala and parliament tour. You will ultimately be responsible for travel and lodging, but we will coordinate an itinerary to make travel easy. This event is for TBYR Members only, so make sure your membership is up to date.

During the event you will get to interact with international political leaders from across the world as well as El Salvador’s government leaders who will be hosting us.


TBYR Members will need to purchase a ticket through this website HERE. If you are planning on attending or have questions please reach out via text or email to our Executive Director, Jake Hoffman at President@tbyr.com to confirm you’re on the list.

Itinerary (Unofficial)

Flight Options

Tampa -> San Salvador (American Airlines AA774)

Wed Nov 20 8:05am to 12:20pm Return Monday Nov 25th 3:06pm-11:58pm

Thurs Nov 21 7:00am to 12:20pm Return Monday Nov 25th 3:06pm-11:58pm

Miami -> San Salvador (American Airlines AA1751)

Thurs Nov 21 10:20am-12:20pm Return Monday Nov 25th 1:20pm-5:00pm

Hotel – Intercontinental San Salvador ($143/Night) Book HERE

OR With enough interest, TBYR will book a large Airbnb home nearby. Please Message us.

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2024 Election Straw Poll Results https://tbyr.com/2024voterguide/ Sun, 04 Aug 2024 19:33:05 +0000 https://tbyr.com/?p=2790 […]

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METHODOLOGY – The TBYR sent unique email surveys to 556 Respondents. All respondents are Tampa Bay Young Republican members, 18-40 years old, Registered Republicans in the State of Florida, considered “Republican Primary Voters”, and living in the Tampa Bay region. Results were calculated through a secure online survey, only accessible through member’s emails. (via www.Surveymonkey.com). Respondents were prompted to provide their political philosophy, confidence in this election, and the biggest issues facing the country before providing their preference for each competitive primary in the region.

Potential Bias – Results skew based on TBYR members’ positive bias for Republican candidates who are members of the organization or interact with the organization personally. However, all candidates listed have been invited on several occasions over many years to meet members and attend events. Candidate write-ups are opinions of the authors of the study and do not reflect official positions.***
For Press, comments, questions please email President@tbyr.com

Click This Link For Early Voting Website With Locations:


Question 1: As things stand today (7/31/2024), ignoring who you WANT to win, which party do you THINK will win the Presidential election in 2024?

Republicans: 84.55%

Democrats: 15.45%

Question 2: What is the biggest issue facing the country & Floridians today? Rank from most important to least.

Question 3: Which of these options most closely describes your political philosophy?

MAGA: 37.40%

Traditional/Fiscal Conservative: 23.58%

Libertarian: 17.07%

Religious Conservative: 15.45%

Moderate: 6.50%

Question 4: Do you believe the Democrats will try to “steal” the election in 2024?

YES: 90.24%

NO: 9.76%

Question 8: Which Candidate do you prefer for Hillsborough State Attorney?

Suzy Lopez (R) (Incumbent): 100%

Andrew Warren (D) 0%

Elizabeth Martinez Strauss (D) 0%

TBYR Board Opinion: The most consequential race in Hillsborough County this cycle is for State Attorney. Will we return to Andrew Warren, a George Soros funded prosecutor removed by DeSantis, or will we be a County of law and order under Suzy Lopez? While the media would like to focus on how she arrived at the position, it is irrelevant now. Suzy Lopez is an excellent State Attorney that has stepped into a position with a ton of pressure and handled it with poise and grace. Andrew Warren could not muster a single vote from the 556 surveys we sent out for a reason.

Question 10: Which Candide do you prefer for State House D67? (New Tampa

Rico Smith (R): 95.12

Fentrice Driskell (D) (Incumbent): 1.63%

TBYR Board Opinion: Fentrice Driskell is the current sitting Minority Leader in the FL State House. She is a dishonest, virtue signaling mouthpiece for the liberal agenda in Florida. Our best chance to unseat her is with Rico Smith, an air force veteran and young Republican candidate.

Question 11: Which Candidate do you prefer for Hillsborough Clerk of Courts?

Victor Crist (R): 95.12%

Cindy Stuart (D) (Incumbent): 0%

TBYR Board Opinion: While serving in the FL Senate, Victor Crist spearheaded innovative reforms, crafted budgets, and served on numerous committees, councils, and commissions dealing with Florida’s Courts, Clerks, and Justice matters. He chaired the Joint Committee/Task Force responsible for developing the plan and legislation to implement the revision of the Florida Constitution that required the transition of all local Courts and Clerks to a unified, state-funded system. He is significantly more qualified than his primary opponent and the current incumbent to fill this overlooked role leading to him dominating our member poll by 95%.

Question 12: Which Candidate do you prefer for Hillsborough Property Appraiser?

John Ballance (R): 97.56%

Bob Henriquez (D) (Incumbent): 2.44%

TBYR Board Opinion: Only 2% of  young Republicans want to see Bob Henriquez return as our property appraiser. We need a Republican in the office.

Question 13: Which Candidate do you prefer for Hillsborough County Commission D2?

Ken Hagan (R): 83.74%

Patricia Altagracia Alonzo (D): 0%

TBYR Board Opinion: Ken Hagan has been a stalwart member of our County Commission for a long time. His primary challenger as well as his general opponent have no business bothering to run against a solid public servant. Hagan by 80%

Question 14: Which Candidate do you prefer for Hillsborough County Commission D4?

Christine Miller (R): 95.93%

Jonathan T. Chavez (D) 0.81%

Nicole Payne (D): 0%

Matthew Taylor (NPA) 0%

TBYR Board Opinion: Governor DeSantis made the right call appointing Christine Miller to the County Commission in District 4. She is an excellent leader that will do great things on the Commission. We’re not sure why any other candidates are bothering to challenge her in this race and aren’t to be taken seriously.

Question 15: Which Candidate do you prefer for Hillsborough County Commission D6?

Chris Boles (R): 99.2%

Sean Shaw (D): 0.81%

Question 19: Which Candidate do you prefer for Hillsborough School Board D7?

Karen Bendorf (R): 100%

Lynn Gray (D) (Incumbent): 0%

TBYR Board Opinion: Karen Bendorf is the clear choice in this race. We need to remove Lynn Gray from the school board.

Question 23: Where do you stand on FL Ballot Amendment 1? (Changes School Board races from non-partisan to partisan on ballots) Read full amendments here (https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_2024_ballot_measures)

Yes: 86.99%

No: 13.01%

TBYR Board Opinion: As we mentioned before, the School Board has never truly been a non-partisan position. One of the main reasons people rely on groups like ours every two years is for telling the public who the Republican is for these unlabeled races. Finally, we can end the confusion, and let people know on the ballot which candidates are being backed by which party.

TBYR overwhelmingly supports voting Yes on this Amendment.

Question 24: Where do you stand on FL Ballot Amendment 2? (Establishes State Constitutional right to hunt and fish) Read full amendments here (https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_2024_ballot_measures)

Yes: 98.37%

No: 1.63%

TBYR Board Opinion: We probably don’t need to put our thumb on this one, we expect it to pass overwhelmingly, but there are States that have tried to put restrictions on fishing and hunting. Amendment 2 enshrines it in our State constitution just in case, God Forbid, we have a liberal Governor that tries to infringe on it. TBYR Recommends voting Yes on Amendment 2.

Question 25: Where do you stand on FL Ballot Amendment 3? (Legalizes Recreational Marijuana, not requiring medical licenses) Read full amendments here (https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_2024_ballot_measures)

Yes: 61.79%

No: 38.21%

TBYR Board Opinion: We wouldn’t be  the “Not Your Grandfarthers’ GOP” club if we didn’t break with the GOP’s official stance on at least one issue. The argument against recreational marijuana in Florida is not what it is being made out to be by our beloved Governor. The current landscape is not that of the 1960’s. We currently have legalized and unregulated marijuana in every one of the 10,000+  smoke shops across the State as well as over 1 million medical marijuana patients. It’s here and it’s not going anywhere. Despite what they say at the moment, the Florida legislature can interpret this amendment if it passes, where they will most likely put heavy restrictions on public use similar to tobacco. You can still get a DUI and you won’t be able to bring 20 joints to school. TBYR recommends you vote ‘Yes’ on Amendment 3.

Question 26: Where do you stand on FL Ballot Amendment 4? (Constitutional Right To An Abortion. Amendment states “before fetal viability”.) (https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_2024_ballot_measures)

No: 78.05%

Yes: 21.95%

TBYR Board Opinion: This is one issue that seems to cross all generations of Republicans. Our polling shows that 78% of our members support keeping the abortion law at 6 weeks and preventing this radical amendment from being put in the State Constitution. TBYR recommends voting No on Amendment 4.

Question 27: Where do you stand on FL Ballot Amendment 5? (Provides for an annual inflation adjustment for the value of the homestead property tax exemption) Read full amendments here (https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_2024_ballot_measures)

Yes: 95.12%

No: 4.88%

TBYR Board Opinion: Bidenflation has been horrific and we like tax breaks. That’s why 95% of our members support adjusting homestead exemptions to yearly inflation. TBYR recommends voting Yes on Amendment 5.

Question 28: Where do you stand on FL Ballot Amendment 6? (Repeal a constitutional provision providing for public campaign financing for candidates who agree to spending limits) Read full amendments here (https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_2024_ballot_measures)

Yes: 91.87%

No: 8.13%

TBYR Board Opinion: In 2022, 100’s of millions of dollars were spent on the FL Governor’s race. They don’t need public funds for any of it. TBYR Recommends voting Yes on Amendment 6.

For any questions or comments please email President@tbyr.com

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Call For FL To Ban Weather Modification https://tbyr.com/weathermod/ Tue, 21 May 2024 16:13:47 +0000 https://tbyr.com/?p=2786 […]

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Call For Weather Modification Ban: Florida

Key Points:

  1. Ban weather modification projects in the State of Florida.
  2. Hold private companies and government bodies legally liable for adverse health effects of weather modification projects.
  3. Create a regulatory framework allowing for public transparency of any federal or military weather modification projects taking place within the State of Florida or our shores before they occur.

Bill Considerations:

  1. WHEREAS, We call for the prohibition of hazardous activities related to weather modification. Including, but not limited to, Cloud seeding, solar radiation modification (SRM), stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), Hurricane and tropical cyclone alteration, Electromagnetic weather modification, Ionospheric Heating, and mosquito control intended aerial insecticides.States like Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Illinois have enacted laws explicitly prohibiting harmful weather modification activities, including cloud seeding and solar radiation management, to prevent environmental degradation and protect public welfare​ (Zero Geoengineering)​​ (trackbill.com)​​ (Tennessee Conservative)​ (Electromagnetic Weather Modification) (Ionospheric Heating: HAARP)
  2. WHEREAS, There is comprehensive regulation on weather modification: Many states, such as Texas, California, and North Dakota, have established comprehensive regulatory frameworks that require licensing and permits for weather modification activities to ensure environmental safety and public health​ (Zero Geoengineering)​​ (Zero Geoengineering)​​ (Tennessee Conservative)​​ (LegiScan)​.
  3. WHEREAS, the legal accountability of both private enterprises and governmental bodies engaging in the contamination of public environments and shared spaces is mandated.
  4. WHEREAS, we have a history of injecting dangerous chemicals into our atmosphere to alter hurricanes and tropical cyclones. (Project Stormfury)

Talking Points:

  1. The ongoing projects across the United States related to weather modification are no secret, nor a conspiracy theory. In fact there are entire websites dedicated to sharing information about ongoing projects. (Weather Modification Association)
  2. The chemicals injected into public spaces are documented to have adverse effects on public health. Contamination occurs in the air, farms, and in our water supply. (FIU Report) (Cloud Seeding Gone Wrong)
  3. The White House has created entire reports detailing the consideration of solar radiation modification. (The White House)
  4. Weather experiments often backfire causing secondary unintended weather patterns.
  5. Dubai just flooded their city last month due to cloud seeding; in the desert. (WIRED)

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TBYR 2024 PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ENDORSEMENT POLL https://tbyr.com/2024poll/ Fri, 26 May 2023 15:52:15 +0000 https://tbyr.com/?p=2756 The post TBYR 2024 PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ENDORSEMENT POLL appeared first on TBYR.



TBYR 2023 Tampa City Council Endorsements https://tbyr.com/cityendorsements/ Fri, 24 Feb 2023 19:14:36 +0000 https://tbyr.com/?p=2694 The post TBYR 2023 Tampa City Council Endorsements appeared first on TBYR.


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City Council Candidate Meet & Greet Cocktail Hour https://tbyr.com/city-council-candidate-meet-greet-cocktail-hour/ Fri, 17 Feb 2023 03:12:30 +0000 https://tbyr.com/?p=2703 […]

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TBYR will be hosting all of the Tampa City Council Candidates as they prepare for municipal elections on March 7th. Please join us in asking the tough questions and getting to know our future local representatives while having some fun while you’re at it! Due to the size of the candidate field, we will not be hosting a forum, but rather an opportunity to network and chat with the candidates one on one in order to help guide our upcoming endorsements. Tampa’s City elections are non-partisan, and per our bylaws, all qualified candidates have received invites and are eligible for endorsements.Invited:D1
Sonja Brookins (D)
Joe Citro (D)
Alen Clendenin (D)
Chase Harrison (R) D2
Michael Derewenko (I)
Robin Lockett (D)
Guido Maniscalco (D)
Mike Suarez (D)D3
KJ Allen (R)
Janet Cruz (D)
George Feshev (R)
Lynn Hurtak (D)
Jose Vasquez (D)D4
Bill Carlson (D)
Blake Casper (R)D5
Orlando Gudes (D)
Gwen Henderson (D)D6
Tyler Barrett (D)
Rick Fifer (D)
Charlie Miranda (D)
Nicole Payne (D)
Hoyt Prindle (D)D7
Luis Viera (D) (Unopposed)
Intro & Announcements: 8:00pm
Cocktail Hour: 8:15pm-9:15pm
Closing Remarks: 9:15pmTo join please visit TBYR.com. For any questions please email president@tbyr.com

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Bucs Wild Card Young Republican Tailgate https://tbyr.com/bucs-wild-card-young-republican-tailgate/ Tue, 17 Jan 2023 03:14:35 +0000 https://tbyr.com/?p=2706 […]

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IT’S BUCS PLAYOFF TIME! The Best Young Republican club in the country celebrates the best NFL team in the country as they both pursue another boat parade.TBYR will be hosting a tailgate in Lot 9 of Raymond James stadium for Wild Card Weekend, (Buccaneers vs Cowboys) from 5:00pm until the end of the game. This event just includes access to the tailgating lot and free food while it lasts at the event. Alcohol will be provided for members, but we encourage BYOB.Game tickets are not included, you are on your own if you want to go in, or enjoy the big screens as some members will be tailgating through the game. The price is free for members, but $20 for non-members. If you’d like to join the organization for free entry please sign up at tbyr.com!LFG CHAMPA BAY!*Exact time/date/location on Lot 9 will be disclosed to RSVP list. There are still questions on scheduling, but we will be tailgating no matter the date! Please RSVP so we can get a head count! If you have questions please DM us on Instagram or email President@tbyr.com

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TBYR “Anti-Black Tie” Christmas Pajama Party https://tbyr.com/tbyr-anti-black-tie-christmas-pajama-party/ Fri, 09 Dec 2022 03:16:40 +0000 https://tbyr.com/?p=2709 […]

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Introducing the “Anti-Black Tie Event” A twist on our annual Christmas Party!We’ve had to wear suits a lot this year, being all professional and whatnot as we helped turn Florida RED! And with the election taking up much of our time, we had to move our annual formal gala to April 2023. We know you ladies like to dress up so don’t worry, we will still have our gala in a few months, but for now we want to kick back, relax, and enjoy the victory. Wear your favorite Christmas Pajamas, Ugly Sweaters, or comfy clothes and join us at The Patio as we host our 4th Annual Christmas Party. This is the perfect casual event for you to meet the group if you’ve been sitting on the sidelines! Members will be treated to free drink coupons and free food. Non-Members are welcome to join, but we really think you should join at tbyr.com. Questions? Email President@tbyr.com

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YR National Deployment to Florida https://tbyr.com/yr-national-deployment-to-florida/ Fri, 28 Oct 2022 03:19:41 +0000 https://tbyr.com/?p=2712 […]

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Young Republicans will be deploying Tamp Bay, Florida to support Republicans up and down the ballot. We will be canvassing for Congressional Candidate, Laurel Lee (CD-15) and Congressional Candidate Anna Paulina Luna (CD-13). Please join us some of all of the weekend as we will be having a lot of fun after we put the work in! The TBYR will host a Halloween Bar Crawl Saturday night and invite YR’s from around the country to celebrate!Please fill out the Google form to confirm your participation in the deployment, and if necessary, reserve your hotel room (provided for YR members WHO DON’T LIVE NEAR TAMPA) for the weekend.*****HOTEL ROOMS will only be provided for registered Young Republican members who reside 40 miles outside of Tampa*****Friday, October 28th4:00PM – Hotel Check In (The Floridian Palace, 905 N. Florida Ave. Tampa, FL)
7:00PM – Cocktail Reception/Dinner (Harpoon Harry’s, )Saturday, October 29th7:30AM-8:30AM – Breakfast (The Floridian Palace)
9:00AM – Rally with Candidates (Carrollwood Park, 3515 McFarland Rd, Carrollwood, FL 33618)
9:30AM- 3:00PM – Canvassing (Carrollwood Area)***Pinellas residents may meet at Highland Recreation Complex Pavillion (400 Highland Ave, Largo, FL 33770 at 9am, to canvass with Anna Paulina Luna’s campaign.***4:30PM-5:30PM – Elections for Florida state federation officers
(The Floridian Palace, 905 N. Florida Ave. Tampa, FL 33602)
6:30PM-7:30PM – Dinner (Sparkman Wharf)
8:30PM-? Halloween Party Bar Crawl, Costume Required (SoHo District)Sunday, October 30th9:00AM-11:00AM Check Out / Hurricane Ian Supply Drive
11:00AM – Brunch (Bello Bar & Kitchen, 903 N Franklin St. Tampa FL 33602)
12:30PM – FFYR Executive Committee Meeting

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Florida Senate President and Candidate for Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson https://tbyr.com/florida-senate-president-and-candidate-for-agriculture-commissioner-wilton-simpson/ Mon, 29 Aug 2022 03:21:46 +0000 https://tbyr.com/?p=2715 […]

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Join us for our August meeting and hear from Florida Senate President and candidate for Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson.

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