TBYR In The News Archives - TBYR https://tbyr.com/category/news/ Tampa Bay Young Republicans Sun, 01 Apr 2018 20:12:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://tbyr.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/TBYR-Logo-Elephant-Only-1-80x80.png TBYR In The News Archives - TBYR https://tbyr.com/category/news/ 32 32 TBYR Official Statement On NFL Player Protests https://tbyr.com/tbyr-nfl-protest-statement/ Tue, 10 Oct 2017 00:00:42 +0000 http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/?p=2277 We felt it necessary to give our take on one of the largest issues in the country today, and extend the offer to continue a productive dialogue between the two sides.

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Young Republicans, NFL Players, and the National Anthem

As we’ve witnessed the US National Anthem protests grow to extend beyond the NFL and into the American consciousness, we as the Tampa Bay Young Republicans wanted to offer the community a look at the rationale of Tampa’s politically conservative youth when it comes to this divisive issue.

For those who aren’t aware of our group, we are the premier Republican grassroots organization in the nation, providing essential support for Republican candidates and conservative issues on the local, state, and national levels. TBYR’s are principles consistent with the GOP and conservative values, but remain cognizant of the ever changing landscape of our country. Additionally, our members are active in the community, working to improve the Tampa Bay Area through government and the business community. This is why we felt it necessary to give our take on one of the largest issues in the country today, and extend the offer to continue a productive dialogue between the two sides.

While we may not agree with the methods of the NFL player protests, we as Republicans will always fight to defend the US Constitution, and especially the First Amendment. The First Amendment declares that people are free to assemble and protest anytime and anywhere, thus we believe in upholding that right. Because of this belief we feel fans, players, owners, advertisers, and corporations alike may all choose to act in their own best interest. Just as the players have the right to kneel, fans and advertisers have the right to boycott, and the owners have the right to run their businesses as they see fit.

TBYR fully supports President Trump and his administration’s overall agenda, but we believe any government or government official, including the president, should not influence and/or interfere with private businesses like the National Football League. Because there is no NFL rule pertaining to behavior during the Anthem, it would be prudent for the league to draft new rules that create unity among their players and fans, and put an end to the politicization of America’s favorite sport.

As football fans and civic-minded citizens, we disagree with the method of protesting during the National Anthem. It has become a distraction, that is viewed by many, as disrespectful to the soldiers who have fought and died for this country. What many of the players seem to overlook is that the vast majority of the American people could not protest or act on political or religious beliefs in the workplace without facing the possibility of losing their job. Furthermore, watching football on Sunday has become ingrained in American culture and is often a release for those who just want to enjoy the game without a player’s political views becoming the forefront of the event.

Despite all of this, we recognize that there are those in the community that feel police brutality and the treatment of black Americans is a critical issue that we all can learn a great deal from a free and open dialogue with people of differing opinion. As an organization we would like to know what we can do on the ground level to make a difference in Tampa Bay and positively impact other groups to do the same.

Therefore, we’re inviting the players, coaches, and staff from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to speak to Tampa Bay’s Young Republicans and discuss the issues, along with proposed solutions. This would give us the opportunity to further understand why players are protesting and determine actionable ideas for us as a community to undertake. If the ultimate goal of the protests is to have a larger discussion in this country, we would like to provide a platform to have this discussion. We are willing to make all necessary accommodations to make this a safe and productive conversation, and hope that the Bucs will accept our invitation. Our ultimate goal is to continue making Tampa Bay an exemplary city to live in and build the best community possible.

For the future,

Tampa Bay Young Republicans

For media inquiries contact:
Jonathan Torres, President

954.261.9799, president@tbyr.com

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