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Call For FL To Ban Weather Modification

Call For Weather Modification Ban: Florida

Key Points:

  1. Ban weather modification projects in the State of Florida.
  2. Hold private companies and government bodies legally liable for adverse health effects of weather modification projects.
  3. Create a regulatory framework allowing for public transparency of any federal or military weather modification projects taking place within the State of Florida or our shores before they occur.

Bill Considerations:

  1. WHEREAS, We call for the prohibition of hazardous activities related to weather modification. Including, but not limited to, Cloud seeding, solar radiation modification (SRM), stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), Hurricane and tropical cyclone alteration, Electromagnetic weather modification, Ionospheric Heating, and mosquito control intended aerial insecticides.States like Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Illinois have enacted laws explicitly prohibiting harmful weather modification activities, including cloud seeding and solar radiation management, to prevent environmental degradation and protect public welfare​ (Zero Geoengineering)​​ (trackbill.com)​​ (Tennessee Conservative)​ (Electromagnetic Weather Modification) (Ionospheric Heating: HAARP)
  2. WHEREAS, There is comprehensive regulation on weather modification: Many states, such as Texas, California, and North Dakota, have established comprehensive regulatory frameworks that require licensing and permits for weather modification activities to ensure environmental safety and public health​ (Zero Geoengineering)​​ (Zero Geoengineering)​​ (Tennessee Conservative)​​ (LegiScan)​.
  3. WHEREAS, the legal accountability of both private enterprises and governmental bodies engaging in the contamination of public environments and shared spaces is mandated.
  4. WHEREAS, we have a history of injecting dangerous chemicals into our atmosphere to alter hurricanes and tropical cyclones. (Project Stormfury)

Talking Points:

  1. The ongoing projects across the United States related to weather modification are no secret, nor a conspiracy theory. In fact there are entire websites dedicated to sharing information about ongoing projects. (Weather Modification Association)
  2. The chemicals injected into public spaces are documented to have adverse effects on public health. Contamination occurs in the air, farms, and in our water supply. (FIU Report) (Cloud Seeding Gone Wrong)
  3. The White House has created entire reports detailing the consideration of solar radiation modification. (The White House)
  4. Weather experiments often backfire causing secondary unintended weather patterns.
  5. Dubai just flooded their city last month due to cloud seeding; in the desert. (WIRED)

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